Friday 5 October 2018

Orktober beginnings

Orktober seems like the perfect time for a stock take on the Orc/Orc minis. After collecting sporadically for many years this is probably the first time all the minis have been brought together from their various places of storage. Hardly any paint jobs to speak of and many eBay auctions there has been a good level of stripping in anticipation of undercoating.

Fantasy Orc and Goblin Army

This collection had a small start as with many of the era with the HeroQuest minis followed by the Fantasy Regiments boxed set a cracking set and the 4th edition of Warhammer with the Goblins. Some random acquisitions at markets and the local games shop included some Harlequin Miniatures Nightlings still available from Black Tree Design and a Marauder Miniatures goblin wolf chariot. A car boot find included a box of Goblin wulfboyz.

The bulk of the Orcs came from a couple of boxes of 6th edition WHFB with some extras and another load of Gobbos from WHFB 7th edition. More recent eBay purchases have included more metal, Black Orc command, classic Orc command, that Orc Shaman, big uns command and Gorfang Rotgut.

WH40k Ork Army

I was a big Epic player with a large Ork army and one of my first WH40k books was Waaargh Orks source book so have always had a love of the Green skins and especially the Evil Sunz. This collection started with the Rogue Trader era Space Ork boxed set then the Space Crusade Orks and Gretchin. On a rare visit to a GW store I picked up some Nobz and a school friend gave me a cyboar, I never managed to get the battle wagon box set until later on eBay which was a large strip. 

More ebaying of recent times included a job lot with loads of RT metals and some war buggies, a lot of metal warbikes, the classic RT dreadnaught, a killa kan, the newer metal dread, a box of stormboyz, some heavy weapon boyz and nobz, loads of Ork Kommandos, some plastic defkoptas, warbuggies and two trukks. I managed to pick up the Assault on Black Reach Orks and the newer Kommandos in metal and most recently Boss Snikrot.

Maybe I should get the Gargants out?

Pictures to follow as iPads won’t upload to blogger.

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