Saturday 23 February 2019

Anvil Industry - Daughters of the Burning Rose Kickstarter

Daughters of the Burning Rose Kickstarter landed today including an Infantry Rifle Squad the Kickstarter exclusive miniature 'Inquisitor-Marechal Salus and the Cyblade Assassins which was nice!

Lovely crisp casts, everything present and correct, good job!

Infantry squad, love the modular options with these the pledge manager best I've seen for a kickstarter had 3D renders for all the different options which was fantastic but also upped the indecision process! Nice selection of special weapons too, I chose the Ion Rifle and Phosphor Lance, ouchy.

Liking the Inquisitor design with the option of two heads, the helmet reminds me of the Elucidian Starstriders helmets which could be useful for future teams.

Weapon options or hands on the Assassins too.

Really pleased with these totally worth the wait, only wish I could get more! Great work from Anvil Industry once again!