Sunday 18 December 2016

Imperial Guard Shotgun Veterans

Here's the Imperial Guard Cadian shotgun armed veterans, mostly inspired by the colonial marine character Hicks in the 'Aliens' movie with his tactical shotgun.

The look of the colonial marines armour combined with the shotgun is what the Imperial Guard should look like to me!

I always liked the idea of representing them in 28mm and this selection and combination of bits comes close.

The other inspirations for having shotgun troops are from the old White Dwarf illustrations for the landing party and boarding party.

And obviously there are the Forge World Cadian hardened veterans with shotguns

This squad got a heavy flamer too.

His extra large fuel tanks are from the vehicle flamer. 

The Victoria Miniatures trench raider torsos are particularly suitable with good solid armour plates.

The heads selection was important keeping them Cadian but a good use of the sergeant, veteran and vehicle operator heads.

I used both sets of Anvil Industries Afterlife Republic Grenadier legs they work so well with the torsos and good all round armour plates.

Vox operator making use of a spare commander arm from Anvil Industries

Sergeant's chainsword ready on the belt, do they have scabbards?  

Extra chainswords and back packs from Victoria Miniatures very useful!

All the shotgun arms came from Victoria Miniatures resin conversion bits.

I added extra armour on the arms with green stuff as the arms just have sleeves.

Grenade launcher grenadier with extra grenadey face.

This is the first ten men veteran squad including the two special weapon options a heavy flamer and grenade launcher. I have put together a few more troops from the spare bits so these can run as a complete shotgun squad.