Tuesday 16 August 2016

Imperial Guard Tallarn Desert Raider Veterans

Got a platoon of most of the guard regiments roughly and one of my favourites are the Tallarn Desert Raiders. I saw the Maxi Mini desert dweller heads ideal for making some new raiders so got a coupe of sets and with a variety of other bits from different manufacturers got a squad together.

I had planned to swap the heads out on the regular Imperial Guard models but I like the combinations I got from these different legs, torsos and arms. Regular Astra Militarum torsos on Anvil Industry Republic Grenadier legs.

Anvil Industry are doing a great selection of bits and their new regiments options are fantastic! They have some good bionics too.

The veteran sergeant got some AdMech bits, bit of a funny combination  but I like it. This started with the idea to use the galvanic rifle with the fully covered desert dweller head as it's got the Tusken Raider feel to it.

This veteran would make a great sniper or special weapon for the squad.

The other special weapon for the squad is a flamer. There was no flamer in the original raiders line, I suppose its the last thing you'd want in the desert!

Used the same head for this one as well as seemed so fitting with this great pose.

Desert raider veteran grenadier flamer nice!

Vox / comms trooper.

The rest of the troopers and vox trooper all got arms/weapons from Victoria Miniatures, another superb bits supplier! I built some Cadian shotgun veterans with Victoria Miniatures bits which I'll post next.